Consent to Personal Data Processing

I agree and authorize the Administration to collect and process the following personal data: my full name, email address, postal address, phone number, and other identifying information provided during registration, visit to and/or use of, and receipt (purchase) of products and services of the Administration, as well as to provide and/or clarify such data at the request of the Administration in the manner and under the conditions stipulated in the applicable legislation.

This consent covers the following purposes:

– agreement conclusion and execution,

– advertising and other kinds of promotion of products and services (informing about the offered products and/or services, scheduled events, promotions, etc.) through direct contacts and/or email subscriptions, information and communication services, such as Telegram, WhatsApp, YouTube, Instagram, etc., as well as other kinds of mailouts and notifications via any other means of communication;

– maintaining and updating the client base; and

– receipt and research of statistical data on sales volumes and quality of products and services.

I agree that the Administration has the right to collect, record, categorize, store, analyze, translate, use, extract, transfer to third parties (including, but not limited to server owners; banking and other financial organizations; organizations providing call center services, mass texting, and any other types of mailouts and notifications; organizations providing courier and other delivery and transportation services, etc.; organizations providing various polling and research services, etc.), receive, approve, clarify (update, amend), depersonalize, block, delete, and delete personal data by processing databases through automated and/or mechanical and/or manual means, including, but not limited to automatic verification of postal codes with a code database, automatic verification of streets and settlements spelling, clarification of data and resolution of other issues, if case of necessity, using any means of communication, etc., when processing my personal data.

I have been notified that the intended users of my personal data are employed by the Administration or engaged by it under a civil contract, as well as those who are granted access to personal data under the applicable legislation.

I am aware of the following:
 – this consent to personal data processing and/or receiving advertising is not limited in time and can be revoked by submitting a written request to the Administration in the manner prescribed by the Privacy Policy. The date of revocation is considered to be the business day following the day the Administration has received my written request for revocation; and
 – I have the right to access my personal data, including the right to demand clarification, and/or update, and/or amendment, and/or deletion, and/or destruction of personal data in the manner and under the conditions stipulated the applicable legislation.

By providing this consent, I confirm that I am the owner of the provided personal data, and I also confirm their accuracy.

I undertake to immediately notify the Administration if my personal data and other information required for the provision of products and/or services has changed and to submit supporting documents in case of necessity. Otherwise, the Administration bears no responsibility for possible consequences.

This consent is my written consent to personal data processing and receiving advertising.

I understand that registration and/or submitting an application for an offer (provision of products and/or services) and/or subscribing to receive advertising on the website and/or information and communication services are equivalent to my written consent to the above conditions.




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